12 Beautiful Living Fences For Your Garden
12 Beautiful Living Fences For Your Garden
Hedgerows or living fences provide a functional yet attractive alternative to wood, brick, and chain-link barriers. Hedgerows offer affordable windbreaks which contribute to the well-being of livestock and crops. They can also help in the elimination of slope erosion due to rain. So whether you’re out in the country tending cattle and sheep or residing in suburbs and just looking for some extra privacy, hedgerows could be exactly what you’re looking for.
My personal favorite is the holly fence! There is just something amazing about the waxy sharp leaves and red berries that makes me want to plant it all along my property line! Great for keeping the pesky neighborhood cats out too.
1. Privets
Privet Fence
Privets are an extremely dense plant which will provide the utmost privacy to whatever it surrounds. If you are highly skilled in the art of plant growth and pruning, you can grow and cut this plant to your specifications and designs whether that be clean-cut cubes or wildlife.
2. Yellow Forsythia
Yellow Forsythia Fence
Maybe you’re looking for a bit more color other than the overdone greens. If that’s the case, look into Yellow Forsythia. Their flexible branches grow with gorgeous green and yellow leaves. They grow best in full sun and can grow up to nine feet tall.
Check out 10 more beautiful living fences on the next page.
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