How To Force Spring Bulbs to Grow Indoors
How To Force Spring Bulbs to Grow Indoors
Okay, let’s get started!
- If you are using a forcing vase, simply fill up the bottom with water and place the bulb on top. You want the water to just reach the bottom of the bulb. Never allow the bulbs in any of the vases to sit in water, as the bulb will rot. If you are using a regular glass vase, fill the bottom with your decorative rocks or sand. Place the bulbs on top. Again, fill the bottom with water, never immersing the bulb.
- Force winter. You can force the bulbs into thinking it’s winter by placing them in a cool, dark area (like a basement) that is around 50°F. If you don’t have an area that chilly in your house, think again. You actually do. You can place these bulbs right in your refrigerator. If you have an extra refrigerator in your garage, that would be a great place as well.
- Check the water in your vase once a week or so. Some of it may evaporate and just need replenished a little.
- In about 3-4 weeks, you will see a root system establish itself. When this happens, you can now bring your little bulbs out into a bright, sunny spot in your home and they will think it’s Spring. Your bulbs automatically know what to do now, and they will happily do so.
- Water as needed.
- Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
It really is that easy friends. Whether you need a little Spring in your home all year around, or maybe you want to grow your own gifts for others, this is a fun project that brings life and Spring inside. If you need a little extra help getting started, we found this video to be helpful.
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