How To Recondition And Re-Season Cast Iron Cookware
How To Recondition And Re-Season Cast Iron Cookware
Mtman1849 from youtube has a great how to tutorial which shows you how to clean and recondition rusty cast iron pots and pans. There were two different methods that he found for getting the rust off and after combining the two the results were amazing.
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I just throw them into a hot fire and let them get cherry hot. When the fire is done, I dig out the pan, rinse it, heat it and add a little oil, stir it around , let cool, and wipe it out with dry rags. Look like new.
Placing cast iron in a fire almost guarantees that the ruin pan will be ruined! It can easily be warped or pitted. The safest way is to clean it in a lye bath or cleaned by electrolysis.