Plants to Prune in Spring

Plants to Prune in Spring

Plants to Prune in Spring

Plants to Prune in Spring

Springtime is just around the corner, and it’s time to dream of all things gardening and outside, and making sure all the plants on our side of the fence are nice and green. One way to encourage growth and nice, healthy plants is by pruning them in the Spring.

Here’s a list of plants that you can prune this Spring.

Tender Shrubs



Many shrubs need their extra layers of protection through the wintertime, but as soon as the frost is out of the ground, it’s time to start pruning. Some shrubs to cut back include Lavender, Cistus and Rosemary. Pruning them early will encourage growth when it warms up. Don’t be afraid to prune them back by 1/3.

Summer Flowering Shrubs

Fuchsia Shrub

Fuchsia Shrub

Your flowering shrubs such as Fuchsia and Buddleja can be pruned this Spring to encourage an extra burst of summertime flowers. Don’t be afraid to cut them short. Remove any thin, weak or dead growth. They will thank you for it later.

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